
邵晓静 2012级 硕博连读




2015-2017 美国佛罗里达大学,联合培养博士生。


1.Shao Xiaojing, Fang Yu, and Cui Baoshan*. 2020. A model to evaluate spatiotemporal variations of hydrological connectivity on a basin-scale complex river network with intensive human activity. Science of the Total Environment723:138051.(SCI, Top, IF 5.589)

2.Shao Xiaojing, Fang Yu, James W. Jawitz, Yan Jiaguo, and Cui Baoshan*. 2019. River network connectivity and fish diversity. Science of the Total Environment 689:21-30. (SCI, Top, IF 5.589)

3. Cui Baoshan*, Shao Xiaojing, and Zhang Zhiming. 2015. Assessment of flow paths and confluences for saltwater intrusion in a deltaic river network. Hydrological Processes 29(20):4549-58. (SCI, 2区, IF 3.189)

4. Yu Shuling, Cui Baoshan*, Philip Gibbons, Yan Jiaguo, Ma Xu, Xie Tian, Song Guoxiang, Zou Yuxuan, and Shao Xiaojing. 2017. Towards a biodiversity offsetting approach for coastal land reclamation: Coastal management implications. Biological Conservation 214: 35-45. (SCI, 2区, IF 4.451)

5. Li Shanze, Cui Baoshan*, Xie Tian, Shao Xiaojing, and Zhang Menglu. 2016. Consequences and Implications of Anthropogenic Desalination of Salt Marshes on Macrobenthos. Clean-Soil Air Water 44:8-15. (SCI, 4区, IF 1.512)

6. 蔡燕子,谢湉,于淑玲,王青,闫秋茹,邵晓静,张希涛,崔保山. 2018. 黄河三角洲农田-土壤作物系统重金属污染风险评估. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版). 54(1): 48-55. (中文核心)

7. 于淑玲, 崔保山, 闫家国, 宋国香,邹雨璇, 邵晓静, 付婧. 2015. 围填海区受损滨海湿地生态补偿机制与模式.湿地科学13(6): 675-681. (中文核心)

8. 邹雨璇, 程静, 刘康, 郑京晶, 闫家国, 于淑玲, 邵晓静, 崔保山. 2015. 黄河故道盐沼土壤碳、氮含量和氨氧化微生物分布特征. 湿地科学13(6): 752-758. (中文核心)


[1] 国家留学奖学金,资助24个月于美国佛罗里达大学学习(国家留学基金管理委员会 China Scholarship Council, CSC)(2015-2017)

[2] 北京师范大学博士研究生二等奖学金(2016)

[3] 北京师范大学博士研究生一等奖学金(2015)

[4] 北京师范大学优秀共产党员(2014)

[5] 北京师范大学学术硕士研究生二等奖学金(2013)

[6] 北京师范大学优秀研究生干部(2013)