
陈聪 2019级 博士后



2011-2014 广西大学农学院,硕士。

2014-2019阿姆斯特丹自由大学/荷兰皇家科学院生态研究所,生态学博士,导师:Prof. dr. Jeff Harvey。

2019-至今 北京师范大学环境学院,博士后。


1. Chen, C., Harvey, J. A., Biere, A., and Gols, R.. (2019). Rain downpours affect survival and development of insect herbivores: the specter of climate change? Ecology, 100(11):e02819. doi:10.1002/ecy.2819.

2. Chen, C., Donner, S.H., Biere, A., Gols, R. and Harvey, J.A. (2019). Simulated heatwave conditions associated with global warming affect development and competition between hyperparasitoids. Oikos, 128: 1783-1792. doi:10.1111/oik.06538.

3. Chen, C., Gols, R., Biere, A., Harvey, J.A. (2019) Differential effects of climate warming on reproduction and functional responses on insects in the fourth trophic level. Functional Ecology,  33: 693-702. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13277.

4. Chen, C., Biere, A., Gols, R., Halfwerk, W., van Oers, K., Harvey, J.A. (2018). Responses of insect herbivores and their food plants to wind exposure and the importance of predation risk. Journal of Animal Ecology, 87: 1046-1057. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12835.


1. Chen, C.2019, Effects of abiotic factors on plant-insect multitrophic interactions, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN:9789463325387.