
余璐 2018级 硕士


2014-2018 中国海洋大学

2018至今 北京师范大学在读硕士,师从白军红教授


Yu, L., Zhuang, T., Bai, J., Wang, J., Yu, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, G., 2019. Effects of water and salinity on soil labile organic carbon in estuarine wetlands of the Yellow River Delta, China. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol.

Bai, J., Yu, L., Ye, X., Yu, Z., Wang, D., Guan, Y., Cui, B., Liu, X., 2020. Dynamics of phosphorus fractions in surface soils of different flooding wetlands before and after flow-sediment regulation in the Yellow River Estuary, China. J. Hydrol. 580, 124256.

Bai, J., Yu, L., Ye, X., Yu, Z., Guan, Y., Li, X., Cui, B., Liu, X., 2020. Organic phosphorus mineralization characteristics in sediments from the coastal salt marshes of a Chinese delta under simulated tidal cycles. J. Soil. Sediment. 20 (1), 513-523.

Bai, J., Yu, L., Du, S., Wei, Z., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, G., Wang, X., 2020. Effects of flooding frequencies on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in river marginal wetlands in a ten-year period. J. Environ. Manage. 267, 110618.

余璐,白军红,于子博,张光亮,贾  佳,张树岩. 2019.东营港附近排水湿地土壤全氮和微生物量氮的含量和储量. 湿地科学.



