
秦燕 2015级 博士




1、973 项目课题“湿地系统生态需水动力机制及整体模拟”;





1、Qin, Y., Yang, Z.F., Yang, W., 2011. Ecological risk assessment for water scarcity in China's Yellow River Delta Wetland, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment Doi: 10.1007/s00477-011-0479-3.

2、Zhao, Y.W., Qin, Y., Chen, B., Zhao, X., Li, Y., Yin, X.A., Chen, G.Q., 2009. GIS-based optimization for the locations of sewage treatment plants and sewage outfalls – A case study of Nansha District in Guangzhou City, China. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14, 1746-1757.

3、Qin, Y., Yang, Z.F., Yang, W., 2010. Novel Index System for Assessing Ecological Risk under Water Stress in the Yellow River Delta Wetland, Procedia Environmental Sciences 2, 535-541.

4、Yang, W., Yang, Z.F., Qin, Y., 2010. An optimization approach for sustainable release of e-flows for lake restoration and preservation: model development and a case study of Baiyangdian Lake, China. Ecological Modelling Doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2010.12.020.

5、Zhao, X., Yang, H., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B., Qin, Y., 2010. Applying the Input-Output Method to Account for Water Footprint and Virtual Water Trade in the Haihe River Basin in China, Environmental Science and Technology 44, 9150-9156.

6、秦燕, 赵彦伟, 杨志峰, 2009. 基于模糊聚类技术的区域生态功能区划研究——以三峡库区万州为例. 应用基础与工程科学学报 17(增刊): 74-81.