
李铭 2013级 硕士




1. Li, Ming; Yang, Wei; Sun, Tao. Effects of Freshwater Releases on the Delivery of Ecosystem Services in Coastal Wetlands of the Yellow River Delta Using an Improved Input-State-Output Approach. Wetlands. 2016, 36(1):103-112 (SCI)

2. Li, Ming; Yang, Wei; Sun, Tao; Jin, Yuwan. Potential ecological risk of heavy metal contamination in sediments and macrobenthos in coastal wetlands induced by freshwater releases: A case study in the Yellow River Delta, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2015, 103(1-2):227-239 (SCI)

3. Li, Ming; Yang, Wei; Sun, Tao; Jin, Yuwan. The joint effect of tidal barrier construction and freshwater releases on the macrobenthos community and environmental characteristics: a case study in the Yellow River Delta (China). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Under review

4. Jin, Yuwan; Yang, Wei; Sun, Tao; Yang, Zhifeng; Li, Ming. Effects of seashore reclamation activities on the health of wetland ecosystems: A case study in the Yellow River Delta, China. Ocean & Coastal Management. 2016, 123:44-52 (SCI)

5. 秦燕; 杨薇; 李铭; 谢涛. 基于土壤水分运移模拟的黄河三角洲湿地生态缺水量研. 湿地科学, 2015, 13(6): 690-695

6. 靳宇弯; 杨薇; 孙涛; 李铭. 围填海活动对黄河三角洲滨海湿地生态系统的影响评估. 湿地科学 2015, 13(6) :682-689