

主要从事水利工程对河流水沙、水质和水生生物的影响机理,水沙污染物输移扩散数值模拟,水生生物栖息地适宜度模拟,及基于水环境和水生态保护的水库调度模式等方面的研究。主持并参与多项国家“973计划”课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、环保部公益项目等的研究工作,国家创新群体项目“流域水环境、水生态与综合管理”团队成员。发表期刊论文50余篇,论文SCI严格他引400余次,第一作者论文成为ESI 工程领域“高被引论文”。出版专著(合著)2部;参加国际国内会议10余次;获得专利3项,软件著作权2项。担任国际期刊International Journalof Sediment Research和JournalofEcohydraulics的编委。







2017.09-至今          北京师范大学,环境学院,教授,博导

2014.07-2017.08    北京师范大学,环境学院,副教授,博导

2014.07-2014.08    美国UCLA,环境健康研究所,访问学者

2013.01-2014.02    德国Stuttgart大学,水资源与水利工程学院,洪堡学者

2011.08-2014.07    北京师范大学,环境学院,副教授

2008.08-2011.07    北京师范大学,环境学院,讲师

2005.05-2005.07    荷兰Delft大学,土木工程学院,访问学者








水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室开放基金“水沙变异对长江中下游鱼类栖息地适宜度影响研究”, 2010.01-2011.12


三维地形采集控制系统, 2013-2014






国家自然基金重点项目, 水坝工程的生态风险及安全调控机理研究,2010/01-2013/12,子课题负责人



国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)课题“流域生态与水利工程优化调控”,2004.01- 2008.12,学术骨干









Yujun Yi*, Xi Cheng, ZhifengYang, Silke Wieprecht, Shanghong Zhang, Yingjie Wu. 2017. Evaluating theecological influence of hydraulic projects: A review of aquatic habitatsuitability models. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68: 748–762.

Yujun Yi*, Jie Sun, Shanghong Zhang, Zhifeng Yang. 2016. Assessment of Chinese sturgeon habitat suitability in the Yangtze River (CHINA): Comparison of generalized additive model, data-driven fuzzy logic model, and preference curve model, Journal of Hydrology,  536:447-456

Yu-Jun Yi*, Xi Cheng, Zhi-Feng Yang, Shang-Hong Zhang. 2016. Maxent modeling for predicting the potential distribution of endangered medicinal plant (H. ripariaLour) in Yunnan, China. Ecological Engineering, 92: 260–269.

Yujun Yi*, Jie Sun, Shanghong Zhang.2016. A habitat suitability model for Chinese sturgeon determined using the generalized additive method. Journal of Hydrology. 534:11-18.

Yu-Jun Yi*, Jie Sun, Cai-Hong Tang, Shang-Hong Zhang. 2016. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment in the upper reach of the Yangtze River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 159(10):1-12. 

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Caihong Tang, Yujun Yi*, Zhifeng Yang, Jie Sun. 2016. Risk analysis of emergent water pollution accidents based on a Bayesian Network. Journal of Environmental Management, 165: 199-205

Caihong Tang, Yujun Yi*, Zhifeng Yang, Xi Cheng. 2015. Water Pollution Risk Simulation and Prediction in the Main Canal of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 519, 2111–2120.

Yi Yujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yang Zhifeng. Impact of the Gezhouba and Three Gorges Dams on habitat suitability of carps in the Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrology. 2010, 387: 283–291.

Yujun Yi, Zhifeng Yang, Shanghong Zhang. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and fishes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(15): 2575-2585.

Yi Yujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yang Zhifeng. Two-dimensional habitat modeling of Chinese sturgeon spawning sites. Ecological Modelling. 2010, 221(5):864-875.

 Yi Yujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Guoan. Sediment pollution and its effect on fish through food chain in the Yangtze River. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2008, 23(4):338-347.

Yujun Yi, Xi Cheng, Silke Wieprecht, Caihong Tang. 2014. Comparison of habitat suitability models using different habitat suitability evaluation methods. Ecological Engineering (2014), 71: 335-345.

Yujun YI, Caihong Tang, Zhifeng Yang, Xi Cheng., Influence of Manwan Reservoir on fish habitat in the middle reach of the Lancang River. Ecol. Eng., 2014, 69: 106-117.

Yujun Yi, Shanghong Zhang.2012. Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn) concentrations in seven fish species in relation to fish size and location along the Yangtze River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.19(9):3989-3996.

Yujun YI, Shanghong ZHANG, Zhaoyin WANG. 2013. The bedform morphology of Chinese sturgeon spawning sites in the Yangtze river. International Journal of Sediment Research., 29(3):421–429.

Yujun Yi, Zhifeng Yang, Shanghong Zhang. Ecological influence of dam construction and river-lake connectivity on migration fish habitat in the Yangtze River basin, China. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2 (2010) 1942–1954.

Yujun Yi, Shanghong Zhang. The relationships between fish heavy metal concentrations and fish size in the upper and middle reach of Yangtze River. Procedia Environmental Sciences,2012, 13: 1699 – 1707.

Yi Yujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Lu Yongjun. Habitat Suitability Index Model of Four Major Chinese Carp Species in the Yangtze River. International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics Sep. 06-08, 2006(Lisbon, Portugal), River Flow 2006, 2006(1):2195-2201.

Zhang Shanghong, Yi Yujun, Liu Yan, Wang Xingkui. Hydraulic principles of the 2,268-year-old Dujiangyan Project in China. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2013,139(5), 538–546.

Zhang Shonghong, Yuan Rui, Wu Yu, Yi Yujun. 2016. Implementation and efficiency analysis of parallel computation using OpenACC: A case study using flow field simulations. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 30(1):1-10 .

Zhang Shanghong, Yi Yujun, Liu Yan, Virtual Reality Technique for Real time Simulation of Unsteady Flow. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 19(s):85-97, 2011

Shu Anping, Liu Qingquan, Yi Yujun, Zhang Zhidong. Characteristics of energy dissipation in hyperconcentrated flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2008, 23: 387-397.