

课题组聚焦滨海湿地植被地貌动力过程和近海水产养殖环境影响等多学科交叉研究前沿热点,开展室内试验、野外监测和数值模拟研究。课题组与清华大学、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、美国马里兰大学环境科学中心等国内外高水平大学和研究机构开展紧密合作,近年来在Geophysical Research Letters等国际顶尖刊物发表了一系列高水平研究成果。

























5.北京师范大学青年科学基金项目:负浮力射流卷吸特性研究及其在积分模型中的应用 (2012-2013),主持人








1.     Gao, W., Shao, D.D.*,Wang, Z. B., Nardin, W., Rajput, P., Yang, W., Sun, T., & Cui, B.S. (2019)Long-term Cumulative Effects of Intra-annual Variability of Unsteady RiverDischarge on the Progradation of Delta Lobes: A Modeling Perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research: EarthSurface, 124.https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JF004584

2.     Yan, Y., Huang, K., Shao,D.D.*, Xu, Y., & Gu, W. (2019) Monitoring the Characteristics of theBohai Sea Ice Using High-Resolution Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI)Data. Sustainability, 11(3), 777

3.     Gao, W.L., Shao, D.D.*,Wang, Z. B., Nardin, W., Yang, W., Sun, T., & Cui, B.S. (2018) Combined Effectsof Unsteady River Discharges and Wave Conditions on River Mouth BarMorphodynamics. Geophysical ResearchLetters, 45. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL080447

4.     Zheng, S.Y., Shao, D.D.* & Sun, T. (2018) Productivity of invasive saltmarshplant Spartina alterniflora along the coast of China: A meta-analysis. Ecological Engineering, 117, 104-110.

5.     Luo, S.X., Shao, D.D.*, Long, W., Liu, Y.J., Sun, T. & Cui, B.S. (2018)Assessing 'coastal squeeze' of wetlands at the Yellow River Delta in China: Acase study. Ocean &CoastalManagement, 153, 193-202.

6.     Shao,D.D., Gao, W.L., Purnama, A. & Guo, J. (2017) Modeling Dredging-InducedTurbidity Plumes in the Far Field under Oscillatory Tidal Currents. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and OceanEngineering, 143.

7.     Shao,D.D., Huang, D.Y., Jiang, B.X. & Law, A.W.K. (2017) Flow patterns andmixing characteristics of horizontal buoyant jets at low and moderate Reynoldsnumbers. International Journal of Heatand Mass Transfer, 105, 831-846.

8.     Zheng, S.Y., Shao, D.D.*, Asaeda, T., Sun, T., Luo, S.X. & Cheng, M. (2016)Modeling the growth dynamics of Spartina alterniflora and the effects of itscontrol measures. Ecological Engineering,97, 144-156.

9.     Zhang, H.Y., Sun, T., Shao, D.D.* & Yang, W. (2016) Fuzzy Logic Method for EvaluatingHabitat Suitability in an Estuary Affected by Land Reclamation. Wetlands, 36, S19-S30.

10. Shao,D.D., Purnama, A. & Sun, T. (2015) Modeling theTemporal Evolution of Dredging-Induced Turbidity in the Far Field. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and OceanEngineering, 141.

11. Purnama, A. & Shao, D.D.* (2015) Modeling brine discharge dispersion from twoadjacent desalination outfalls in coastal waters. Desalination, 362, 68-73.

12. Shao,D.D.& Law, A.W.K. (2011) Boundary impingement and attachment ofhorizontal offset dense jets. Journal ofHydro-Environment Research, 5, 15-24.

13. Shao,D.D.& Law, A.W.K. (2010) Mixing and boundary interactions of 30° and45° inclined dense jets. EnvironmentalFluid Mechanics, 10, 521-553.

14. Shao,D.D.& Law, A.W.K. (2009) Turbulent mass and momentum transport of acircular offset dense jet. Journal ofTurbulence, 10, 1-24.

15. Shao,D.D.& Law, A.W.K. (2009) Salinity Build-up Due to Brine Discharges intoShallow Coastal Waters. Modern PhysicsLetters B, 23, 541-544.

16. Shao,D.D., Law, A.W.K. & Li, H.Y. (2008) Brine discharges into shallowcoastal waters with mean and oscillatory tidal currents. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 2, 91-97.

17. Feng, Y., Sun, T., Zhu, M.S., Qi, M.,Yang, W. & Shao, D.D. (2018)Salt marsh vegetation distribution patterns along groundwater table andsalinity gradients in yellow river estuary under the influence of landreclamation. Ecological Indicators,92, 82-90.

18. Zhang, H.Y., Sun, T., Xue, S.F., Yang, W.& Shao, D.D. (2018)Habitat-mediated, density-dependent dispersal strategies affecting spatialdynamics of populations in an anthropogenically-modified landscape. Science of the Total Environment, 625,1510-1517.

19. Qi, M., Sun, T., Xue, S.F., Yang, W., Shao, D.D. & Martinez-Lopez, J.(2018) Competitive ability, stress tolerance and plant interactions alongstress gradients. Ecology, 99,848-857.

20. Yang, W., Li, X.X., Pei, J., Sun, T., Shao, D.D., Bai, J.H. & Li, Y.X.(2017) Bioavailability of trace metals in sediments of a recovering freshwatercoastal wetland in China's Yellow River Delta, and risk assessment for themacrobenthic community. Chemosphere,189, 661-671.

21. Qi, M., Sun, T., Zhang, H.Y., Zhu, M.S.,Yang, W., Shao, D.D. &Voinov,A. (2017) Maintenance of salt barrens inhibited landward invasion of Spartinaspecies in salt marshes. Ecosphere,8.

22. Yan, Y., Shao, D.D., Gu, W., Liu, C.Y., Li, Q., Chao, J.L., Tao, J. &Xu, Y.J. (2017) Multidecadal anomalies of Bohai Sea ice cover and potentialclimate driving factors during 1988-2015. EnvironmentalResearch Letters, 12.

23. Xue, S.F., Sun, T., Zhang, H.Y. & Shao, D.D. (2016) Suitable habitatmapping in the Yangtze River Estuary influenced by land reclamations. Ecological Engineering, 97, 64-73.

24. Zhu, M.S., Sun, T. & Shao, D.D. (2016) Impact of LandReclamation on the Evolution of Shoreline Change and Nearshore VegetationDistribution in Yangtze River Estuary. Wetlands,36, S11-S17.

25. Wang, R.Q., Shao, D.D. & Yin, H.L. (2016) On the efficiency of lakedestratification by bubble plumes. Proceedings of the Second Conference ofGlobal Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics (CCSH'2016), Vols 1 & 2, 979-983.

26. Purnama, A., Baawain, M.S. & Shao, D.D. (2016) Simulation ofSediment Discharges during an Outfall Dredging Operation. International Journal of Oceanography, 2016, 10.

27. Wang, Y., Shao, D.D. &Chapra, S. (2013) Preliminary Water QualityModeling on Dan Reservoir. Proceedings of the 35th IAHR World Congress, Vols Iand II, 1755-1762.

28. Zhao, B., Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E., Shao, D.D. & Huang, Z.H. (2012)Effect of air release height on the formation of sediment thermals in water. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 50,532-540.

29. Zhao, B., Law, A.W.K., Huang, Z.H., Adams,E.E.& Shao, D.D. (2011)Dynamics of Sediment Clouds in Waves. Recent Progresses in Fluid DynamicsResearch - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on FluidMechanics, 1376.

30. 周薇薇,邵冬冬*,孙涛,崔保山.植物长期暴露于浅水波环境的模拟装置研制与试验.北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2018,54(01):113-117.

31. 颜钰,邵冬冬*,顾卫,袁帅,李颖,钞锦龙,李倩.鲅鱼圈热电厂温排水的现场观测和三维数值模拟.海洋环境科学,2016,35(04):571-579.

32. 罗舒心,万新月,熊欣悦,毕莹,邵冬冬*.海岸挤迫现象对滨海湿地丧失的影响及对策研究综述.湿地科学,2015,13(06):778-784.

33. 李晓晓,杨薇,孙涛,邵冬冬.黄河故道尾闾湿地大型底栖动物群落对生态补水的响应研究[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2018,54(01):64-72.

34. 颜钰,邵冬冬,许映军,顾卫.海冰运动研究进展综述.海洋预报,2017,34(03):85-93.